Just wanted to share my message for the new year. It goes like this...

Whatever you do, give your best shot and follow your conscience. Never hurt anyone to get even an inch forward. That inch would result in a feet backwards when you move further. Think positive, you can't be beaten unless your mind says you are beaten. Never give up even if you are thrashed.It is just an oppurtunity to come back and prove yourself. Don't believe in fortune. Let the guy who reads your fortune go to sleep. Your path always have obstacles. Without them life would be a desert. You can either try to reach an oasis and feel safe for the time being or you can go forward till you find the sea. When you go forward from oasis, it would be desert again but believe it is a step closer to sea. The desert you started from is different from one you reached because this time you have the experience of being in desert as well as in oasis once. Even if you find oasis again, still go forward till sea. Your path would help the next man following you to the sea. Never will you die again because when you reach the sea, you will reach the heart of many who aspire to reach the sea. Even if you reached the sea you can still go for the horizon.

Believe this is your year to reach the horizon.

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Posted by Unknown January 1, 2009


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