Most of us feel that Search engine optimization (SEO) is more difficult than rocket science. Is it really that difficult? Becoming a Jedi-level SEO master requires years of practice but does that mean it is very difficult to master. Remember days when you started walking, you didn't do it in one day but does that mean it is quite difficult to master. We make some minor falls but we soon get up and get over it. The best part is once you learn how to walk, you tend to learn running quite easily. Once you are determined to be an SEO expert and are ready to sit down and work on the SEO basics, being a Jedi-level SEO master is not quite far from you.

First things that one must understand is that SEO is not a static science and search algorithms are updated constantly. They are probably the most carefully protected secrets that no one really knows what the search engine designers are doing within. Even they are fighting among other search engines to get more popularity and visitors for them and they always try to update themselves for giving better results for their visitors. This in turn means that one must be prepared to be updated along with the search engine updates.

The bigger challenge that a newcomer to this field feels is that competition will be as fierce as it can be. You need to be highly prepared to face every challenge. The most dreadful thing in the industry is that one mistake from your part can undo months of hard work. You have to constantly updated with the changes and always use your knowledge when tackling problems.

If you are in business, the most important decision to make is to choose the right SEO company or employee. There is never a BEST tag to anyone of them as the industry is constantly been updated. Even a company without much of a history can produce results that you desire but CONSISTENCY is something that separates the experienced from the rest.

If you want to become the right SEO company or employee that others would like to approach to, here are some suggestions from my part to train yourself (sometimes being self-prepared is a better way than being taught how it is to be done):

1. Build at least five different websites and administer them for at least a year. Feel free to experiment with them. Find out ways to get better results. Experience is something that will never let you down. It will always help you bettering yourself and your methods.

2. Keep track of your methods and your results. Note changes in search engine behavior with time. Analyze these changes with changes in your SEO activities.

3. Identify "effective" keywords. Every keyword does not attract visitors. Some combination work better that words. Investigate yourself to what keyword combination are potential customers likely to use compared to other curious web surfers?

4. Always be open to change and experiments. Try out different tools before you come to the conclusion. Choose the one that works best for you.

5. Check out how good you are before entering into serious business. You should be able to get more than 25 pages at least to fairly competitive keywords before you enter into serious business.

6. Do not disclose your methods too much. There is too much competition in this field to survive with common methods. Once you have had some success, keep your exact methods to yourself.

7. Always keep updating yourself and improve continuously.

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