Whether dropping vice or picking up virtue, a New Year's resolution is a good incentive for a positive change in life. 2010 is upon us and if you're like me, before the clock strikes 12:00 a.m. on January 1st, you'll look back over the past year and reflect on the changes you want or need to make, to become a better person, and you will make a few New Year's resolutions. During the course of the New Year you will end up thinking about them, but that's about the extent of it. So, the question is, do you make resolution's knowing full well you won't keep them, do you try to push yourself a little harder to resolve to follow through on accomplishing this important pledge to yourself or do you just commend and pat the people on the back that are strong enough to keep the promises they made for themselves and let them know how proud you are of them?
I haven't decided yet whether I'll put myself through making resolutions this year, but I will be thinking about it. It's not that any of my resolutions were ever unreasonable or unattainable, but I either put them off until tomorrow, which of course never came, or I decided I was just too busy to devote time to them. The problem is these changes that I need to make will make my life so much more rewarding, so I NEED to focus on them and make them a priority in my life - I deserve it and I believe so do you.
Here are some New Year's Resolutions for you to think about . . .
· Spend more time with family and friends - eat together at least once a week.
· Get a better job - while you still have a job is a great time to look for something you would rather do.
· Start exercising - start by walking around the block everyday.
· Reduce Stress - simplify your life and drop the things that don't add value to your life.
· Lose weight - Don't finish your plate, eat smaller portions and try to stay away from fast foods on the go.
· Quit smoking - you'll also save money this way.
· Quit drinking - support groups are available to help you with this.
· Take a trip - leave your cell phone and your laptop at home and enjoy.
· Enjoy life more - take time out for yourself - you deserve it.
· Get out of debt - pay a little more on your credit cards each month
· Learn something new - taking night courses will help you make a change in your career that you may be needing or improve your skills and make you a more valuable employee.
· Save money - even if it's just a few dollars or quarters a week. Put it in a jar or have it taken out of your pay check. 401(k)'s or IRA's are an excellent way to save for your retirement and you hardly miss the money and some companies still contribute to 401(k)'s which is a bonus.
· Help others - volunteer once a month, quarter or year. It's such a rewarding experience and adds meaning to your life.
· Get organized - reduce the clutter in your life and simplify it will help ease stress.
· Follow your passion - what makes you happy and are you finding time for that passion.
Regardless if you decide to set a New Year's resolution or not, take time to look at your life for a few moments. Are you happy? Do you have a balanced life? Do you like who you are? Do you live a stressful life? Keep in mind that stress leads to heart disease, diabetes, depression and more illnesses in general. Are you spending more time on others than yourself? The more you focus on others at the expense of yourself, the more likely you are to become burned out, bitter, and possibly even resentful. Look at “me” time as a priority. You need to take care of yourself before you can care for anyone else. You’ll find your efficiency level going up dramatically because you have taken a timeout.
I hope the coming year is a good one for you - a time of good heath, love, inspiration, discovery and happiness and all the things that make life worthwhile.
Happy New Year my friends!
Filed Under :
Get out of Debt
Help Others
Lose Weight
New year
New Year Resolution
Quit Drinking
Quit Smoking
Save Money
Take a Trip
December 28, 2009
December 28, 2009