There are many tools available that can teach you how to profit from attraction marketing. One of the most important thing is what you bring to the table yourself. You have information that is valuable. You share this information with others, provide guidance when needed and point them in the direction of systems and techniques that will help them grow and bring the same value to others. To begin generating leads, create a web page that builds excitement and offers this information to others, requiring only an exchange of information. This usually includes contact information such as email address, phone number, etc.
Utilizing the funded proposal technique, you offer your prospects a low cost information based product. This often includes a training video, eBook or other type of course designed to add value to the knowledge they already have. This will help you begin to bring positive cash flow, while building your contact list. Once you have proven the information you are selling is valuable and effective, most people will be interested in hearing more. This is where you begin to see how to profit from attraction marketing. The next tier of products being offered is usually higher priced and is sold on a commission basis.
Social networking sites as well as search engine optimization are both methods that function well when deciding how to profit from attraction marketing. In each case your web site or profile page is found when prospects are looking for the type of product or services you offer. Providing a consistent message and ongoing promotions will help spread the word and deliver a constant flow of traffic to your site. Keeping content fresh will encourage prospects to come back often, which makes them more likely to become members of your network or purchase products. You have become a resource they know and trust.
Filed Under :
Attraction Marketing
Business Website
Internet Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Online Business
Search Engine Optimization
Tips and Tricks
March 11, 2010
March 11, 2010