When you are using Twitter as part of your Internet marketing plan, you need to give it time to work. Twitter results take a while to appear, because it is one of the more long-term strategies. You will have to build up your networks and following, and if you use the correct strategies, it will happen in a timely manner. However, do not start a Twitter campaign if you are not going to see it through to completion, because an unattended Twitter account is worse than no account at all.
Once you have built a good Twitter following, then you want to market with a gentle touch. Instead of using 'in your face' marketing tactics, pose a question where your product or service is the answer. Tweet that there are updates on your company's blog instead of trying to cram the information into your tweet, and people that want to know more will click through to your blog.
Always respond when your followers tweet you. If you do not keep up with your following, it will begin to crumble. If you have too large of a following to maintain, then outsource your retweets or assign an employee to monitor and reply to your followers.
Twitter is an interactive marketing tool, and because of this it is valuable in two ways. While it is instrumental in getting your message out, it is also hugely helpful in taking the pulse of your customers. So make sure that your Twitter marketing efforts start strong and more importantly stay strong.
Filed Under :
Internet Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Online Business
Online Trends
Promote your Business
Tips and Tricks
Twitter Marketing
May 29, 2010
May 29, 2010