The word Robot was originated from the Czech word ROBOTA it means slave. Robots are manlike machines that can perform human tasks that never done by a human such as the work performs under extreme conditions (high temperature, altitude, inside nuclear reactors or dangerous Bio-chemical hazards etc.) Robotics is rapidly embracing ideas from other disciplines, leading to new technologies. Robots have evolved to visually discriminate between objects of different sizes. They have evolved over a period of time to integrate sensory and motor information with their inbuilt knowledge, so as to use the information later to better respond to their environment.

Tiny robots that think for themselves may soon become a reality. Scientists from the University of the West of England are looking at how intelligent, artificial organisms can be created from swarms of smaller robots, each no bigger than a sugar cube. The individual robots could link together in a variety of formations to share energy and ‘thought’ processes, to create a large machine that can think for itself and manage its own hardware and software. They could link up to create almost any shape, depending on what was needed for the task.

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Posted by Unknown February 11, 2009


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