Can you imagine the great changes that would take place in our world if everyone started treating each other and the Earth with respect? If everyone followed the "Golden Rule" of "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you" (Luke 6:31). There would be no need for military forces, or police or court systems, etc. Our stress levels would decrease and therefore our health would improve. Our climate and pollution levels would improve since we would respect our planet. What a wonderful world this could be.
Although it is impossible to go throughout your life without disrespecting others, you can make a conscious effort to be better. How many times were you in a rush to get somewhere that you didn't realize someone was behind you and the door closed in their face? How many times have you cut someone off in traffic or reacted in a cruel way if they cut you off? How many times were you vindictive, due to something someone said or acted towards you? Do you respect your pets and make sure they are loved, played with, fed and brought in out of the cold and rain? How many times were you rude to a waiter in a restaurant or a retail store. How many times has someone bumped into you, not watching where they were going or they were busy talking on the phone, and you gave them a dirty look or said something that wasn't very nice? Regardless how you are treated does not mean that you have to react in the same manner. You never know what adversities someone is going through in their life for them to act the way they do and with you choosing to react with love and respect, rather than mirroring their attitude, may help them to realize that they have disrespected you and help them become a better person. Most of the time when someone acts out of disrespect it isn't about you, but something that is going on in their life and they are unconsciously taking it out on you, but then again there are some people that are just plain rude and disrespectful. As the saying goes: "You get more from honey than vinegar." Since you have no control over how someone acts, getting upset about it doesn't help your stress level or improve the situation, so act out of kindness and love and keep that stress level down.
There was a time when children spoke to adults with respect, but there has been a severe decrease in respect for their elders in recent years. Teachers today are especially affected by this. One can only wonder what children will be like as adults if they continue down this path.
Do you know that it takes five to twelve years for a cigarette butt to biodegrade when thrown on the ground or out your car window? Not to mention the fires that cigarette butts can cause when thrown out a car window. Image how long it takes candy wrappers or other items that are dropped on the ground to biodegrade. I see recycling bins all over strip centers and in some cases your neighborhood has a recycling program, but I wonder how many people really take advantage of that program to its full extent. It is far easier to throw a can into the rest of your garbage rather than rinsing it out. However, it is wonderful to see the "Go Green" campaign taking off and people are becoming more aware of their environment. It's so important to respect our environment and protect it for future generations.
When you leave this world you will be remembered and judged by how you treated people and the world. Respecting others, at times, is hard to do when people can be so cruel and disrespectful. You do have a choice to walk away from any situation and not get involved or ask for assistance until you have calmed down. It seems to have become a "me" society where the most important thing is what I like and what I want. It would be wonderful if we went back to the teaching of God and "Do onto others as you would have then do unto you."