Recently, I came across an article about promoting a website using blog advertising. I was too influenced by the article that I wanted to share it with my friends and readers.

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It is a well written article stating about how blog advertising has become an important source of traffic to any website. Nowadays, blogs are maintained by even companies for the sole purpose of advertising. It improves the amount of traffic to their company website.

It talks about the difference a well maintained blog can make to an upcoming business. People use blogs to demonstrate how their products works. It is also used as a portal for providing their reviews on the items. In case of electronic goods, customers can be provided with specifications and advantages of their products over other competing products. This can in turn help out their business in a very useful way. Larger number of reviews about any products increases its overall credibility. This will also be seen in the number of goods being sold.

The article also compares different styles of advertising that a company adopts to promote their website. The strategies are compared as well. As a reader, I hate reading plainly written ads about a product. This view is well known to the writers and the companies as well. Through their blogs, they usually advertise themselves in a way rather than their products. They talk about their accomplishments in the field and their upcoming events. They also share the testimonials by their customers. This technique is of better influence as the credibility of a company as such increases rather than any single product. The articles even says that readers like to know more about the company as such rather than their products to ensure the quality and credibility of the product.

The article goes on describe about paid blog advertising. Companies turn blogs with great traffic to their advantage. They hire writers of these blogs to write about the companies in their blogs. The companies turn these blogs into source of traffic to them. They know the shortcuts. Don't they?

The article also talks about self promotion for blogs. Ad revenue is one of the major sources of money for blog writers and to increase the revenue,the blogger needs more traffic and for that one has to promote his own blog. Articles about business niche and even articles bought from other writers can indeed work in your favor for getting more readers. Backlinks are an important part of search engine rankings and your posts are placed higher if you have more backlinks than others. Blogger should write posts in such a manner that it invites a discussion and also a special mention in other blogs whom you discuss with.

Blog advertising not only improves the traffic of whom the advertisement is of. It also improves traffic to your website as the discussion on business niche always invites many readers that you may have never thought of even opening your website.

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